Rockey's Botanical Liqueur (750ml)
Rockey's is a crystal clear, natural, and delicious liqueur. It is blended and bottled in Brooklyn, made from apple, pineapple, green tea, black tea, and citrus (mostly lemon, as well as orange and lime). It contains only 12% ABV, is great simply poured over ice, and mixes perfectly with any spirits you choose. Try Rockey's in a spritz with sparkling wine, combined with your choice of spirit, or added to your favorite cocktail! Rockey's recipe is inspired by classic clarified milk punch, a 400-year-old drink born in London - the favorite of notable figures throughout history. Rockey's is the first widely available milk punch in over 150 years, and the first ever in North America. Rockey's is shelf stable, and does not require refrigeration, even after opening.
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Product Details
Origin: Barbados
Type/Varietal: Cordial
Alcohol Content: 12%
SKU: #1453404