Nikka Coffey Still Japanese Grain Whisky (750ml)
Whisky Advocate
Review Date: N/ASweet, with subtle, crisp, nutty oak, then comes fudge, ripe banana, and peach. The overall effect is like eating vanilla ice cream with toffee fudge and hazelnut sprinkles. The structure is thick and physical, the palate sweet and quite fat, with light hints of raspberry, fruit salad. A jag of acidity freshens the delivery on the finish. With water there’s more toffee, and it becomes slightly more yielding, with less oak. For me the gold standard of grain. (DB, Fall 2015)
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Professional Reviews
Wine Enthusiast
Review Date: 03/2016
Staff Reviews
K&L Buyer
Review Date: 05/2015
Review Date: 06/2022
Review Date: 03/2018
Grain whisky is one of the least-understood categories of the whisky world. When you sip a blended Scotch like Johnnie Walker or Suntory's Hibiki, you're drinking a blend of two types of whiskies - both single malt and grain - hence the term "blend." (Many people incorrectly assume the "blend" refers to the blend of various distilleries). While we've gone out of our way here at K&L to help our customers understand 100% malted barley single-malt whisky, we've never really talked very much about grain whisky, largely because there's very little of it available. Grain whisky is made from corn, wheat, and unmalted barley on a continuous still, much like vodka is produced. The Coffey Still is a type of continuous still that can pump out grain whisky without having to alternate batches. Because of the efficiency and cheaper production cost, grain whisky has taken on a bit of a bad rap. This reputation is entirely undeserved, however, especially when delicious grain whisky like the new Nikka Coffey Still is available. This is classic grain whisky with round vanilla, hints of caramel, and an herbaceous, spicy note that brings some pop on the finish. NOTE: While grain whisky can be enjoyed on its own, its flavors are much more impressive on the rocks and when splashed with a bit of soda. The Nikka Coffey Still is perhaps the best grain whisky we've yet seen available on the American market. We need more whiskies like this, ASAP!
Product Details
Origin: Honshu, Japan
Type/Varietal: Malt
Alcohol Content: 45%
SKU: #1140001