Basil Hayden's "Toasted Barrel" Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)
Whisky Advocate
Review Date: N/AMade with brown rice and finished in toasted barrels. Cereal grains with freeze-dried strawberries on the nose as well as toasted herbs, blueberries, and fruity bubble gum. The palate is creamy and light, with notes of strawberry yogurt, bitter chocolate, and burnt sugar. A syrupy finish brings custard, tiramisu, and caramel flan. It is atypical in its profile and at times light bodied, but demonstrates good constriction and drinkability. (TS, Winter 2021)
Price: $38.99
Product Availability
Staff Reviews
John Flanigan
Review Date: 11/2021
If you already enjoy the Basil Hayden Line- the light nuanced flavors, the low-proof, easy-drinking, velvety mouthfeel- then this bottle is right up your alley. The buttered sweetbread aroma and lightly toasted finish is a great un-aggressive, enjoyable drinking experience. This is a wonderful introduction to the world of toasted bourbon.
Product Details
Origin: Kentucky, United States
Type/Varietal: Bourbon
SKU: #1566083