El Dorado Cream Rum (750ml)
El Dorado Cream Liqueur is a distinguished product from Demerara Distillers Limited, crafted at Diamond Distillery. At the heart of this indulgent blend is the El Dorado Cask Aged 5 Year rum, combined delicately with high-quality dairy cream and flavorful spices. Accentuated with aromas of toasted marshmallow, honey, milk chocolate, and amaretto, the palate offers a sumptuous fusion of vanilla bean, nutmeg, and tiramisu. This 16.5% ABV rum cream liqueur derives its richness from molasses-distilled Demerara rums, processed in DDL's cherished French Savalle and Enmore wooden Coffey stills. Perfect neat, over ice, in cocktails, or as an addition to coffee, tea, and desserts.
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Product Details
Origin: Guyana
Type/Varietal: Rum
Alcohol Content: 16.5%
SKU: #1072108