Jean Marc XO Vodka (750ml)
Hand crafted by Jean-Marc Daucourt in the Cognac region of France, Jean-Marc XO Vodka marries cutting edge French spirits and winemaking techniques to create an extraordinary Vodka possessing a floral bouquet, complex & elegant wheat flavors, a silky texture and very long finish. Jean-Marc XO Vodka is distilled nine times in very small batches using traditional French copper Alambic stills. The entire process takes several weeks from start to finish. Jean-Marc Daucourt selected four particular French wheat grains for their delicate and harmonious flavors. They are called Ysengrain, Orvantis, Azteque, and Chargeur. Each wheat grain is separated from its chaff before distillation in order to eliminate any bitterness and reveal the wheat varietal's flavor. Jean-Marc XO uses only pure Gensac spring water from the Cognac area, filtered naturally for centuries through Grande Champagne limestone. To create as pure and natural a spirit as possible, Jean-Marc XO is micro-oxygenated just after distillation. This innovative technique was borrowed from First Growth winemakers in nearby Bordeaux. To finish, Jean-Marc XO Vodka is charcoal-filtered through Limousin oak, using special Daucourt family techniques learned over generations of spirits-making. To best enjoy Jean-Marc XO Vodka, serve it shaken in a very dry martini, on the rocks, or neat in a Cognac glass.
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Product Details
Origin: France
Type/Varietal: Vodka
Alcohol Content: 40%
SKU: #1030529